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Accelerator Pistol (AcP-9)
Accelerator Pistol (AcP-9)

The weapon fires a projectile at a low initial velocity; after it leaves the barrel, an internal charge accelerates the bullet to greater velocities.

270 Cr
Accelerator Pistol, Body, Advanced (ABAcP-14)
Accelerator Pistol, Body, Advanced (ABAcP-14)

Advanced version of the body accelerator pistol.

270 Cr
Accelerator Pistol, Body, Modified (ModBAcP-13)
Accelerator Pistol, Body, Modified (ModBAcP-13)

Modified version of the body accelerator pistol.

162 Cr
Accelerator Pistol, Body, Standard (StdBAcP-12)
Accelerator Pistol, Body, Standard (StdBAcP-12)

Standard body accelerator pistol.

135 Cr
Accelerator Pistol, Heavy, Basic (BHAcP-9)
Accelerator Pistol, Heavy, Basic (BHAcP-9)

Basic heavy accelerator pistol.

207.900 Cr
Accelerator Pistol, Heavy, Standard (StdHAcP-10)
Accelerator Pistol, Heavy, Standard (StdHAcP-10)

Standard heavy accelerator pistol.

297 Cr
Accelerator Pistol, Light, Advanced (ALtAcP-12)
Accelerator Pistol, Light, Advanced (ALtAcP-12)

Advanced version of the light accelerator pistol.

810 Cr
Accelerator Pistol, Light, Improved (ImLtAcP-10)
Accelerator Pistol, Light, Improved (ImLtAcP-10)

Improved version of the light accelerator pistol.

445.500 Cr
Accelerator Pistol, Light, Standard (StdLtAcP-10)
Accelerator Pistol, Light, Standard (StdLtAcP-10)

Standard version of the light accelerator pistol.

405 Cr
Accelerator Pistol, Magnum (MAcP-10)
Accelerator Pistol, Magnum (MAcP-10)

The magnum version of the accelerator pistol.

270 Cr
Accelerator Pistol, Standard (StdAcP-10)
Accelerator Pistol, Standard (StdAcP-10)

Standard accelerator pistol.

270 Cr
cP859u Pistol (Staple Gun, or Staplegun)
cP859u Pistol (Staple Gun, or Staplegun)

The cP859u through x variants are designed as sidearms for non-human Imperium troop who are unable to comfortably handle standard Imperial designs.

550 Cr
Laser Pistol, Alternate (AltLP-11)
Laser Pistol, Alternate (AltLP-11)

Alternate version of the laser pistol.

495 Cr
Laser Pistol, Body (BLP-12)
Laser Pistol, Body (BLP-12)

Body laser pistol.

150 Cr
Laser Pistol, Body, Advanced (ABLP-15)
Laser Pistol, Body, Advanced (ABLP-15)

Advanced version of the body laser pistol.

300 Cr
Laser Pistol, Body, Improved (ImBLP-13)
Laser Pistol, Body, Improved (ImBLP-13)

Improved version of the body laser pistol.

165 Cr
Laser Pistol, Body, Prototype (PBLP-11)
Laser Pistol, Body, Prototype (PBLP-11)

Prototype version of the body laser pistol.

450 Cr
Laser Pistol, Disposable, Alternate (AltDLP-14)
Laser Pistol, Disposable, Alternate (AltDLP-14)

Alternate version of the disposable laser pistol.

660 Cr
Laser Pistol, Disposable, Prototype (PDLP-12)
Laser Pistol, Disposable, Prototype (PDLP-12)

Prototype version of the disposable laser pistol.

1.800 KCr
Laser Pistol, Early (ELP-9)
Laser Pistol, Early (ELP-9)

Early version of the laser pistol.

360 Cr
Laser Pistol, Experimental (XLP-8)
Laser Pistol, Experimental (XLP-8)

Experimental version of the laser pistol.

1.200 KCr
Laser Pistol, Heavy, Modified (ModHLP-12)
Laser Pistol, Heavy, Modified (ModHLP-12)

Modified version of the heavy laser pistol.

396 Cr
Laser Pistol, Heavy, Prototype (PHLP-9)
Laser Pistol, Heavy, Prototype (PHLP-9)

Prototype of the heavy laser pistol.

990 Cr
Laser Pistol, Improved (ImLP-11)
Laser Pistol, Improved (ImLP-11)

Improved version of the laser pistol.

330 Cr
Laser Pistol, Light, Alternate (AltLtLP-11)
Laser Pistol, Light, Alternate (AltLtLP-11)

Alternate version of the light laser pistol.

495 Cr